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Thursday, September 12, 2013

GIS Training to be held

From 911 Coordinating Council Liaison Scott Ekberg:  Through a partnership between Manhattan Area Technical College Continuing Education Program, the State of Kansas and AOS we are happy to announce two GIS courses to be provided on November 12th & 13th (“Making Maps with GIS”) and the 14th & 15th (“Working with Data in GIS”)  Both classes are designed for beginners but hold a lot of great information for those who are new to ArcGIS Desktop (10.0 or 10.1).  This course has been designed by a local GIS professional right here in the state of Kansas for GIS professionals in Kansas.  You will find the flyer attached to this email that provides descriptions and details on where to register for the courses.  Please let me know if you have any questions and pass along to others who you find might be interested!  Thanks!

Jessica P Frye |GIS Design Architect

Alexander Open Systems  (AOS)
 12980 Foster Street, Suite 300 | Overland Park, KS 66213
 Office:  913-307-2300 | Cellular:  785-231-4355

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