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Monday, July 8, 2013

Grant applications closed

By Kim Pennington, KSAPCO President - The deadline for the 911 grant applications closed on Monday, July 1.  The KAC reports that it received the following grant applications:

·         Anderson
·         Colby
·         Cowley
·         Kingman
·         Marshall
·         Mitchell
·         Republic
·         Rice
·         Sherman
·         South Central Regional
·         6-County GIS Collaboration (GH, OB, PL, RO, RS, SM)
·         6-County Equipment Collaboration (see above)
·         6- County NG911 Collaboration (CS, CF, GT, GW, LY, MR, WO)

If you think you submitted a grant application and it is not listed, contact Melissa Wangemann at KAC immediately, 785-272-2585, Ext 307 or

The Grants Review Committee will meet to consider awarding grants on Friday, July 12 at 10:00 a.m., First National Center, #1 North Main, Suite 700, Hutchinson, KS.  The meeting is open to the public.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Upcoming Meetings Announced

The 911 Coordinating Council has announced several upcoming meetings to be held this month and in August.

On July 11, the Technical Sub-Committee will be meeting at 13:00hrs in Topeka.

On July 12, the Grant Review Committee will be meeting in Hutchinson at 10:00hrs.

On August 9 at 09:00hrs, the Administration, Operations, and Technical Committees will meet in Topeka, and at 11:00hrs, the 911 Coordinating Council will met as a whole.

All meetings are on the Calendar of Events at

For more information, contact the 911 Coordinating Council Liaison Scott Ekberg at