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Friday, August 31, 2012

Intrado to host NG911 Tech Seminar

Intrado will be hosting an NG911 Tech Seminar on September 18th from 0900-1600 in Saline County.  A seminar flyer which includes instructions on registering for the event can be found at

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Contract now available for Fall Conference Vendors

The contract for vendors participating in the Fall '12 Conference is now available at  We hope to see you there!

Upcoming election

By Kathy Mcgaughey, Past President - It is that time of the year to elect a new Board of Officers for our Kansas Chapter.  The office that is open is for 2nd Vice-President.  This position requires a four-year commitment.  I can say that I have learned a great deal during my time on the board and it has been a very rewarding experience!  Information is on our web page at  Please consider running for office!  Interested parties need to send me their paperwork prior to October 12th at 1700 hours.  My e-mail address is  Hope to see you at the Fall conference in Topeka October 14th-16th!


Some APCO Leadership classes asks questions about the local chapter, how it was established, etc.  Answers to these questions, as provided by Brad Gilges, Chapter Executive Committee Person, have been posted on the KSAPCO website at

Thursday, August 23, 2012

KS OEC offers Project Management workshop

The Kansas Office of Emergency Communications is offering a "Project Management" workshop on September 25th in Hays, and on September 26th in Manhattan.  For more information, visit