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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kansas 9-1-1 Liaison position open

The Kansas 911 Coordinating Council in collaboration with the Kansas Adjutant General's Department has created a full time 911 Liaison position whose duties will include providing guidance and technical support to PSAPs in behalf of the Council; assist PSAPs and regional groups with planning and implementation of NG911 services, and provide support services to the Council and its committees. The successful candidate for this position should have extensive knowledge of public safety communications and enhanced 911 systems, and be a self-motivated, detail oriented person with good written and oral communication skills. The position will be located in the Adjutant General's Department and classified as a Planner II-911. This employee will receive task assignments and general direction from 911 Coordinating Council leaders as well as direct supervision by the assigned supervisor in the Adjutant General's Department.

Additional information upon the functions, requirements and compensation for this position are available at, and a flyer is available in the Announcements section at

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