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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Conference round-up

Approximately 135 people attended the Kansas APCO Fall Conference held this past week in Salina. Along with a host of training classes, officers for the 2010 year were elected at the annual business meeting.
Assuming their duties on January 1 will be; James A. Reed, Past President; Beth Leach, President; Kathy McGaughey, 1st Vice President; Lance Royer, 2nd Vice President; Donnette Ellegood, Secretary/Treasurer; Michele Abbott, Executive Council Representative; and Brad Gilges, Executive Committee Person.
For more information on Chapter Officers and their responsibilities, go to

Conference host sought

The Kansas Chapter of APCO is seeking an agency to host the Fall 2010 Kansas APCO Conference. If any agency is interested, contact a board member at

Newsletter posted

The October edition of the APCO "Member & Chapter Services Monthly E-Newsletter" has been posted on the KS APCO website at

Friday, October 16, 2009

Board of Officer candidates

While there is still time to submit an application to serve on the Kansas APCO Board of Officers, Michele Abbott, Kansas APCO Past President and Chair of the Elections Committee has announced the initial filings for office. The open positions and names of candidates can be found at .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Special Committee on Utilities to meet

From: Shelly Abbott
The Special Committee on Utilities will be discussing Enhanced 911 on Thursday, October 8, starting at 9:30 a.m. The agenda is as follows:SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON UTILITIES
October 8, 2009
Room: 143-N. Statehouse
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Review of Current Kansas 9-1-1 Statutes - Melissa Doeblin, Office of the Revisor of Statutes
Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG 9-1-1) - Patrick Halley, National Emergency Number Association (NENA); Roger Hixon, National Emergency Number Association (NENA); Laurie Flaherty, U.S. Department of Transportation
Kansas Grant Proposal for NG 9-1-1 - Julene Maska, Governor's Grants Office
Role of the Kansas Wireless 9-1-1 Advisory Board - Diane Gage, Chairperson, Advisory Board
Digital Radio Communication Tower Access for Public Safety Answering Points - Peter Carttar, Kansas Department of Transportation; Ed Geer, Kansas Department of Transportation; Jason Moses, Kansas Adjutant General's Department (invited)