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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Conference to offer "Active Shooter" training

As you're following the horrific events that are happening across the nation with active shooters are you wishing that you had some way to help prepare your dispatchers to deal with those situations?  We all know there is no real way to prepare but you want your staff to be armed with as much knowledge as possible going into these high stress situations.

 We are very proud to present the following general session class at the Kansas APCO Chapter Spring Conference being hosted in Wichita on April 7th-9th. 

Response to Armed Engagement – This class is designed to increase a Law Enforcement Officer’s change of survival in all types of “armed encounters.”  This class will briefly discuss recent Active Shooter events that have occurred in the United States, to include local events that have happened in Wichita.  It will also discuss the parallel development of both Law Enforcement and society for the past two decades and a look at the ALERT program that is currently being conducted for the Wichita Police Department.  This class will give the dispatcher an insight into what occurs in the mind of an officer during a critical incident and an explanation of the tactics the officer uses to bring the incident to a successful resolution.

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