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Friday, October 28, 2011

2011 Board photo

A new photo of the 2011 Kansas APCO Board of Officers has been posted at the KSAPCO website at  Great group!

KCJIS Committee Minutes for September now available

Minutes of the September 2011 KCJIS Committee meeting are now available at on the KSAPCO website.  Thanks to committee member Brad Gilges for sharing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

PSConnect videos show you "How To..."

APCO International has developed videos that show you "how to" connect and use PSConnect as a valuable networking tool.  You can connect to PSConnect, as well as viewing the videos at

KCJIS Minutes available

Brad Gilges, who serves as the KSAPCO representative on the KCJIS Committee has made available minutes from the July 2011 meeting.  They can be reviewed at

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

COM-T to be held in Colby

The COM-T course is being held in Colby in December.  Deadlines for applications is November 15th.  See the "Announcements" section at to download a flyer for the event.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Executive Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Executive Council Meeting have been posted on the website at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Schedule posted

The schedule for the Fall Conference has been posted at  Get a preview now!

Changes in 9-1-1 revenues detailed; sample Resolution provided

Details of how Senate Bill 50, signed into law last May, affect your revenues and operations has been detailed in a document, "Informational Notice to Service Providers on 911 Act", and a sample Resolution which has been passed in Johnson County are now available for your review at the Kansas APCO website. 

Check the "Announcements" section at for links to both documents.  They are also available on the Legislation page of the website.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't miss the Sunday Social

Don't miss the Sunday Social at the Fall Conference.  Hosted by Voice Products, it is a great ice breaker to enjoy food, fun, and socialize.  Visit for more information.