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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Awards to be given at Fall Conference

Since only one KSAPCO Conference is scheduled for this year, the awards normally presented at the Spring Conference will be given at the Fall Conference.
This year, additional awards have been added to the "Telecommunicator of the Year", including "Communications Director of the Year", "Line Supervisor of the Year", and "Communications Team of the Year".

The deadline for all nominations is August 15, 2014.  More information, as well as nomination forms can be found online at

MCS Newsletter

The May 2014 MCS newsletter is available online at

KCJIS Conference next week

Just a reminder that the annual KCJIS Conference happens next week, June 1-3 in Hutchinson.  You can register at the link below, or for more information, contact Gordon Lansford, Director of KCJIS below.

Gordon E Lansford, Director
Kansas Criminal Justice Information System (KCJIS)
900 SW Jackson Street, Room 751-S
Topeka, KS 66612

785-291-3527 office