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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fall Conference photos posted

Photos of the Fall Conference have been posted on KSAPCO's Flickr Photostream at   They include photos of the banquet, training classes, and of course, the Halloween Costume Contest.  Thanks to photographer Brad Gilges for snapping the pics!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

KCJIS Bill heads to Senate Floor

From Brad Gilges, KCJIS Committee Representative for KSAPCO - A bill related to KCJIS has come out of committee and is heading to the Senate Floor for debate later this week.  Information on the bill can be found at

Monday, February 24, 2014

Remind on KSAPCO Conference

Just a reminder that there will be no Spring Conference this year.  The Kansas Chapter has decided to have an "annual" conference held in the fall.  The conference will include many "mini-training sessions", which the Board is currently working on and planning at this time.

GIS Enhancement Project

From Scott Ekberg, 911 Coordinating Council Liaison - As you are aware, the GIS sub-committee of the Coordinating Council has created regions for remediation work within the GIS Enhancement project. The sub-committee is also working on acquisition of statewide digital ortho imagery.  The sub-committee feels that this imagery could be of benefit to the remediation process.  With this in mind, the sub-committee has decided to re-order the progression of the gap analysis through the regions. Additionally, the regions are being renamed to simplify.  The order will now be:

Region 1A - Now Region 1
Region 2A - Now Region 2
Region 2B - Now Region 3
Region 1B - Now Region 4
Region 3B - Now Region 5
Region 3A - Now Region 6

These changes are reflected on the website.

Contact Scott with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

GIS Training available

AOS will be sponsoring GIS training in Manhattan next month.  See the flyer for more information at

Blanchard is new volunteer for AFC

From Michele Abbott, KSAPCO Executive Council Representatitve:  AFC is pleased to welcome Robert Bill of Ohio and Stanley Blanchard of Kansas as the newest volunteer members of AFC’s local advisor network. Both successfully completed their initial training in Daytona Beach the week of January 13. Robert will be the primary advisor for Ohio assisting Paul Mayer who will be retiring by next August. Stanley has assumed the responsibility of primary advisor for Kansas replacing AFC’s long time local advisor Leon Gray who recently retired.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

KSAPCO seeking presenters for Annual Conference

The Kansas Chapter of APCO is seeking proposals for presenters at the Annual Conference to be held in October.  Deadline for submitting proposals is March 31st.  For more information, go to and click the "Call for Presentations" button on the Main Page.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Kansas Legislature reviews 911 Act

From Scott Ekberg, Kansas 911 Coordinating Council Liaison:  The Kansas 911 Act is currently being reviewed by the Kansas Legislature in accordance with the act. The Coordinating Council has recommended a few changes to the Act and these changes are presented in SB 284. The full text of the bill is available at   A summary of the proposed amendments and background on the reasoning behind the proposed changes is available in the Executive Summary of the January 10, 2014 meeting minutes at  The first hearing on SB 284 is scheduled for February 6th at 1:30 p.m. in the Senate Committee on Utilities in Room 548-S of the State Capitol.